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A little about the ACTJC
The ACT Jewish Community was constituted in 1951 and the National Jewish Memorial Centre was opened in 1971 with generous financial assistance from interstate individuals and organisations and the continuing assistance of the NSW Jewish Communal Appeal.
The community is run by an elected Board of Management comprising Executive and Ordinary Members. It was incorporated in 1953 and currently operates under the ACT Associations Incorporation Act 1991 and is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).  
The ACT Jewish Community welcomes all Jewish people to Canberra and encourages you to join our community and enjoy a diverse range of religious, educational, cultural and social activities.  
We are home to Orthodox and Progressive congregations serving a wide demographic, from retirees, to families with older and younger children, young professionals and students.
The community currently has over 240 adult members plus children and hosts a number of groups interested in social activities, Jewish history, books, crafts, children's playgroup and interfaith interaction. There are also specific social activities and functions for men and women. We have a particular focus on child education provided by our professional staff that caters for all across the lifespan towards their B'Mitzvah celebrations. All child education programs are organised on a semester basis.
We are home to an Orthodox and a Progressive Congregation each of which holds weekly services. Our calendar is only accessible to members with login access. If you have any questions about services, please contact the office (
We also partner with several peak national Jewish organisations including the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, National Council of Jewish Women's Association, the Zionist Federation of Australia and the Federal Association of Australian Jewish Ex-Service Men and Women.  We are a founding member of the NSW Jewish Communal Appeal (JCA). We are supported by JewishCare NSW in providing non-medical health support in the areas of Children and Family, Mental Health, Disability, Aged Care and Holocaust survivors.
We would love to answer any of your questions about the wide variety of events and programs we offer. 
Please contact the office at or by phone on 02 6295 1052.
The ACTJC is a member of the JCA Family of Organisations
Wed, 19 February 2025 21 Shevat 5785