Parking Terms & Conditions
Licence Conditions for Parking your Car at the National Jewish Memorial Centre
Access to the NJMC car-park will be via validated magnetic card issued by the ACT Jewish Community. Holders of valid cards will be permitted to park in the boom-gate controlled area at 31 National Circuit Forrest on all weekdays except for a maximum of two Jewish religious days per year. The dates of those days vary and will be communicated to card-holders well in advance.
Provision of a validated card requires the applicant to be approved by the ACTJC on the basis of an application form and proof of identity. Successful applicants will be informed by email and a unique card number assigned. Applicants will need to visit the ACTJC office and to show a driver’s licence, passport or other photographic identity document. Approved cards will be handed to successful applicants at that time.
Cards need to be paid in advance for periods of one quarter-year or one half-year or a full year. Discounts apply for longer periods. Payment periods coincide with the calendar quarters (ending 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December).
A deposit of $50 is required in advance for the issuance of a card. The deposit will be repaid in full on surrender of a card in good condition or forfeited if a card is not surrendered. Refunds of unused periods and deposits in the event of a card-holder wishing to terminate within a payment period will only be made where another person is available to take over the card, having been authorised by the ACTJC, and to pay the remaining period and the deposit.
On application and approval, an applicant must nominate one or two cars. No other car can be parked in the car-park without prior written approval by the ACTJC. Spot audits of registration plates will be made and unauthorised cars referred to the authorities. This is required for purposes of security.
Only one car can be parked for each valid magnetic card. If cards are found to be used by multiple people, the card-holder will be contacted and alerted. A repeat offence will result in the card being de-validated.
Cards will be validated up to the end of the quarterly accounting periods. Extended validation requires a further payment to be made in advance of the commencement of the new period. Extended validation will be notified to the card-holder by email.
Car parks cannot be sublet. If a car park is no longer needed, it must be surrended as there is a long waiting list.
People found in breach of these conditions may have their access to the car park terminated forthwith.
Weekdays Only - Monday to Friday other than public holidays and nominated Jewish High Holy Days
From 0600hrs until 1730hrs. The boom-gate will be raised at 1730 hours but vehicles do not have to be moved at that time for people working to a later hour.
Fees in 2024:
Refundable deposit: $50 per card (you can have more than one card if you drive two vehicles)
Quarterly payment (3 months): $525
Half-yearly payment (6 months): $1008
Full-year payment (12 months): $1869
All payments are to be made by bank transfer to the following account:
Name: ACT Jewish Community Parking Account
BSB: 062-902
Account No: 10317717
Payments need to identify the payer by name and the card number issued on approval (e.g. A Smith 551).
Information received from applicants will be protected under the terms of applicable Privacy law.
Users of the car-park at the NJMC do so at their own risk.
Wed, 19 February 2025 21 Shevat 5785